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10 Vital Rule's For Giving Incredible Speeches
and Why They're Irrelevant
Using his 1990 Golden Gavel acceptance speech. Tom Peters addresses the audience in this video about speech making. Alternately tongue-in-check and serious, this informative and entertaining acceptance speech is liberally peppered with anecdotes and more than a little autobiographical insight into h... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Passion for Excellence
Quality and Service pay
There is a revolution underway. People are thinking the unthinkable and achieving the impossible. Behind it all are people who have a passion for excellence. Tom Peters In this inspiring program, Tom Peters highlights the creative methods and accomplishments of some of the hang-tough, never-say-die ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Passion for Excellence (Short Version)
Quality and Service pay
There is a revolution underway. People are thinking the unthinkable and achieving the impossible. Behind it all are people who have a passion for excellence. Tom Peters In this inspiring program, Tom Peters highlights the creative methods and accomplishments of some of the hang-tough, never-say-di... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Beyond Close to the Customer
It's not customer satisfaction, but customer delight that will distinguish the winners from also-rans. Tom Peters Tom Peters made training history when his best selling video A Passion for Customers revealed how quality service leads to success in business. In this sequel, Peters translates the valu... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Business & the Environment: Lean, Clean and Green
When the World Economic Forum recently surveyed its 650 members, the overwhelming response was that the environment is the most significant issue facing business today. To spark your own ideas, Peters takes you inside companies that have prospered by putting the environment at the top of their busin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Container Store: "Re-imagine Customer Service and Talent" with Tom Peters
Great customer service comes from great people, but how do you hire, train, and retain the best people? More importantly, how do you get everyone to deliver the best service possible? In this program, Tom Peters will show you how great service happens. You will learn how The Container Store has deve... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Creating the Customer's Dream
Tom Peters hosts this news magazine style program which features his good friend and favourite customer service legend -- Stew Leonard. Learn the behind-the-scenes reasons for Stew Leonard's success from Stew and the people he has empowered to run his successful business. You'll be able to apply man... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ellie Mae: "Re-imagine Technology and The Customer" with Tom Peters
Technology can be intimidating but it doesn’t have to be limiting. In this case study, Tom Peter’s shows us how Ellie Mae has re-designed the mortgage industry through their fearless use of technology and their innovative approach to change. The Ellie Mae story is a revolutionary example of how a co... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Everything Is Design!
This Will Change EverythingYou Thought You Knew About Design
Tom Peters, the brilliant, insightful, often abrasive and self-described “professional loudmouth,” holds the key to your (and every) company’s success—DESIGN! And for the first time, ChartHouse Learning, the creators of FISH!, have teamed up with tompeterscompany! to capture Tom’s amazing insights i... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Excellence Files
Pick up where "In Search of Excellence" left off. The Excellence Files gives you insights into what smart companies are doing to meet the changes and challenges of the future. The video contains 8 segments consisting of case studies from Southwest Airlines, Rubbermaid, Defense Personnel Support Cent... read more
Excellence in the Public Sector
Tom Peters does more than destroy the myth that, by definition, public sector management must be poor. He offers examples of five organizations whose managerial excellence provides a blueprint for success in both public and private sector organizations. - Houston Metropolitan, Houston, TX The film a... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Healthworks: "Turning Work Assignments into Wow Projects" with Tom Peters
Does every new project you face seem to be dull? Do you want to breathe new life and new ideas into your next assignment? Do you want to tap the creativity and ideas of ALL your people? If you do, then this program is for you! Tom Peters shows you how to foster innovation, tap the creativity of your... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only